Valentine's Day Cake Pops Recipe

ingredients needed for the strawberry cake:

ingredients needed for the strawberry buttercream:

Start by mixing together the wet ingredients. Then add the dry ingredients, the milk, and the strawberry puree

Once the cake batter is fully mixed, pour into a cake pan and bake.

Make the strawberry buttercream by mixing ingredients together with an electric mixture until smooth.

Once the cake is baked and cooled, crumble it into the buttercream and mix together.

Shape your cake pops into balls and place on a baking sheet. Once rolled, place them in the freezer to chill!

Next step is to melt the coating chocolate. This works best in a deep dish, like a big measuring cup!

 Dip the tip of the popsicle sticks in and place into the cake pop, like this!

Now it's time to dip!

Place your cake pops upright  in something to dry. I used a cardboard box (styrofoam works too)!

you could also put them top down like this to dry.

now you have homemade strawberry cake pops!

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